鲍元恺的音乐创作坚持"人写,写人,为人写"和"中西融汇,雅俗共赏"的原则,把"以西方音乐形式展现中国传统音乐"作为创作重点。他的作品包括《炎黄风情——中国民歌主题24首管弦乐曲》(1991)、《华夏弦韵》室内乐集(2001)、六部交响曲:第一《纪念》(2004)、第二《台湾音画》(2000 / 2006)、第三《京剧》(2006)、第四《厦门》(2008)、第五《禹王》(2009)、第六《燕赵》(2012),以及童声合唱套曲《四季》(1980)、《景颇童谣》(1981)、交响声乐套曲《春之声》(1983)、歌曲《清明》(1989)等。他的作品频繁在海峡两岸和亚洲、大洋洲、南北美洲、东西欧洲和南非由国内外交响乐团演出,并由DG、EMI、PHILIPS、DECCA、雨果等多家机构出版唱片。经教育部审定,中国大陆小学、初中、高中的音乐课本,均选有鲍元恺作品作为欣赏教材。鲍元恺在海峡两岸从教四十余年。在专业教学方面,他的许多学生已经成为蜚声乐坛的作曲家或音乐教育家。他高度重视公民美育教育和高校素质教育,在两岸举办多次艺术讲座,并在超星慕课开设网络公共课。
Bao Yuankai, composer, music educator. In 1957 in the Central Conservatory of music school learn flute, the Central Conservatory of music in 1962 composition department of learning music theory and technology under the Su Xia, Jiang Dingxian, Yang Ruhuai, Chen Peixun, Duan Pingtai. Graduated in 1973, and taught in Tianjin Conservatory of Music in 1967. Served as Tianjin Conservatory of music, head of the composition department, Taiwan Nanhua University Professor, Xiamen University Art Research Institute, deputy director of the creation of the Chinese Musicians Association, committee, member of editorial board of Journal of music, Golden Bell Award music judges. Is the first to get special allowance of the State Council expert. In 2005, the Ministry of culture of the city of excellence in Music Education Award, in 2012 was the highest award of the Xiamen University, the South outstanding contribution award".
Bao Yuankai's music creation adhere to the principle of "people write, write, write" and "fusion of Chinese and western, tastes", "in the form of western music show Chinese traditional music" as the focus of the creation. The set of his works including the Yanhuang style of Chinese folk theme 24 orchestral music "(1991), the Chinese string rhyme" Chamber Music (2001), six symphonies. The first "in memory" (2004), the second "musical sketches of Taiwan" (2000 / 2006), the third "Peking Opera" (2006), the four "Xiamen" (2008), the fifth Yuwang "(2009), the sixth" Yanzhao "(2012), and children's chorus divertimento" four seasons "(1980), the Jingpo nursery rhyme" (1981), vocal Symphonic Suite "spring sound" (1983), the song "Qingming" (1989). His works are frequently performed by the domestic and International Symphony Orchestra in the two sides of the Strait and in Asia, Oceania, South and North America, East and West Europe and South Africa, and published by EMI, PHILIPS, DECCA, DG and Hugo. The Ministry of Education approved, the mainland primary school, junior high school, high school music textbooks, are selected to have Bao Yuankai works as an appreciation of teaching materials. Bao Yuankai in the two sides of the Strait from forty years of teaching. In the professional teaching, many of his students have become a renowned music composer and music educator. He attaches great importance to citizens of aesthetic education and quality education in Colleges and universities, the two sides held many art lecture, and open public network course in superstar Mu class.