黄沾(1941-2004),原名黄湛森,英文名James J.S.Wong,香港著名作家、词曲家。出生于广州。1949年随父母移民香港。早年入读喇沙书院,后升读港大,1963年毕业于港大中文系。先前从业广告、电影、作曲。任过香港电视台、电台主持人。与金庸、倪匡、蔡澜一起被称为"香港四大才子",又与倪匡、蔡澜一同被称为"香港三大名嘴"。主要作品有《两忘烟水里》、《万水千山纵横》、《倚天屠龙记》、《忘尽心中情》、《上海滩》、《沧海一声笑》、《狮子山下》、《男儿当自强》、《勇敢的中国人》、《我的中国心》等。
James Wong (1941 - 2004), formerly known as Huang Zhansen, English name James J.S.Wong, the famous Hongkong writer, songwriter. Born in Guangzhou. In 1949, with his parents emigrated to Hongkong. Early admission to La Salle college, or after the read port, in 1963 graduated from the Hong Kong Chinese system. Previous industry advertising, film, music. Worked in Hongkong TV station, radio host. Jin Yong, Ni Kuang, and Cai Lan are together known as the "Hongkong four big talent", with Ni Kuang, Cai Lan together known as the "Hongkong three mingzui". The main works are "two", "forgot to smoke in the trials of a long journey", and "The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber sumo.tv", "", "", "Shanghai Bund laughter in the sea", "under the Lion Rock", "tall in the saddle", "brave Chinese", "my heart" Chinese etc..