李劫夫(1913—1976),出生在吉林农安。著名作曲家,音乐教育家。抗日战争期间曾在延安晋察冀边区参加音乐活动,作有歌曲《歌唱二小放牛郎》等,解放战争时期任部队文工团团长,作有歌曲《坚决打他不留情》等。1948年任东北鲁迅艺术学院音乐部副部长。1953年任东北音乐专科学校校长,后任沈阳音乐学院院长。作品有《我们走在大路上》、《革命人永远是年轻》,为毛泽东诗词谱曲《蝶恋花?答李淑一》、《七绝?为女民兵题照》等和大量毛主席语录歌。他还创作了歌剧《星星之火》和几部小歌剧 。1964年出版《劫夫歌曲选》。
Li Jiefu (1913 - 1976), was born in Jilin, nong'an. The famous composer, music educator. During the war of resistance against Japan in Yanan, Shanxi Chahar Hebei border area to participate in music activities, as the song "singing cowherd", during the war of Liberation Army art troupe Colonel appointed as songs, "resolutely fight him without mercy" etc.. 1948 Vice Minister of music in Northeast Lu Xun art institute. In 1953 president Northeast College of music, he served as president of Shenyang Conservatory of Music. Works include "we go on the road of revolution", "forever young", as Mao Zedong's poems to music "Dielianhua ? a. Li Shuyi", "Qijue ? militia women question as", and a large number of quotations from Chairman Mao song. He also wrote the opera "sparks of fire" and a few small opera. Published 1964 "Jiefu songs".