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吕思清(1969年11月26日-),出生于青岛。这位被台湾《时代音乐》誉为"奇迹"、被美国《新泽西时报》赞为世界级小提琴家、为意大利glispettacoli 称为"来自中国的帕格尼尼"的小提琴家自小便显示出非凡的音乐天赋。3岁半时,就嚷嚷着要像哥哥们那样拉小提琴;7岁时,他已经能拉许多有名的中外曲目,并因此受到邓小平的关注。8岁被中央音乐学院附小破格录取,师从王振山教授,成为这所著名学府有史以来最为年轻的学生,被誉为"乐坛神童";17岁得国际小提琴艺术最高奖——意大利帕格尼尼小提琴大奖。这项占国际小提琴比赛头等位置的赛事,因为评委的苛刻与严谨,在此之前第一名已空缺了12 年。17岁的吕思清以初生牛犊的勃勃生气和高超的技艺,打破了这长达12年的沉默。为此,西方人情不自禁地给他戴上了"东方第一帕格尼尼"的桂冠;19岁赴纽约朱丽亚音乐学院深造,师从世界著名小提琴教育家德罗希?迪蕾女士及姜康先生。

Lv Siqing (November 26, 1969 -), born in Qingdao. Taiwan was the "times music" known as the "miracle", "New Jersey times" is USA praise for the world class violinist, Italy glispettacoli called "from China Paganini" violinist since the urine showed remarkable talent for music. 3 and a half years old, he shouted to the violin like a brother like that; at the age of 7, he has been able to pull many famous Chinese and foreign music, and therefore subject to Deng Xiaoping's attention. 8 years old were recruited from primary school of Central Conservatory of Music, Professor Wang Zhenshan, the famous institution of history's most young students, known as the "music child prodigy"; 17 year old violin art the highest international award -- Italy Paganini violin award. This accounts for the first position of the international violin competition events, because the strict and rigorous, prior to the first name has been vacant for 12 years. Lv Siqing of 17 years old to young exuberant and superb skills, broke the 12 year silence. To this end, the west be overcome by one's feelings to put him in the "Oriental first Paganini" title; 19 years old to New York Julia Conservatory of music, where the world famous violin educator Droch Deeley lady and Mr. Jiang Kang.



