
中国大陆区组委会电话:010-87875363    15801349607(工作时间:09:00-17:30)

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马玉涛(1936—),山西省保德县人。北京军区战友歌舞团国家一级演员。马玉涛的音色宽厚而洪亮、明亮而纯朴、圆润,气息充足而绵长且稳定,共鸣丰满,音色统一,感情细腻,声情并茂,土洋结合的唱法适于演唱我国民族风格较强的创作歌曲。她的歌声刚健、豪放、宏大、深厚,雄浑而嘹亮,直抒胸怀。演唱歌剧《小二黑结婚》选曲、歌剧《刘胡兰》选曲,演唱《马儿呀你慢些走》 、《献给敬爱的周总理》,分别获1964年、1977年第三、第四届中国人民解放军文艺会演演员奖。在50多年的军旅生涯中,连续夺得全军一至四届文艺会演独唱比赛的一等奖。在由文化部举办的全国独唱独奏汇演中,也获得一等奖。还获得过《马儿啊!你慢些走》、《看见你们格外亲》、《老房东查铺》、《众手浇开幸福花》等歌曲的首唱奖和广播金曲奖。

Ma Yutao (1936 -), Shanxi province Baode county. The Beijing military region song and dance troupe of actors in the national level. Ma Yutao sound and sonorous, bright and simple, rounded, breath enough and long and stable, with plump, unified tone color, delicate feelings, emotional, combine indigenous and foreign methods of singing for singing the Chinese national style strong songs. Her song, vigorous, bold, magnificent, deep, forceful and loud, speak up mind. Singing opera "Xiao erhei marriage", "Liu Hulan" from opera music, singing "the horse you go slow", "dedicated to the beloved Premier Zhou", respectively in 1964, 1977, the fourth session of the third China PLA Art Festival actor award. In the 50 years of his military career in the army, continuous won the first prize in one to four arts festival solo game. Organized by the Ministry of culture in the recital performances, also won the first prize. Also won "the horse! You go slow "," see you very dear "," old landlord bed check "," the hand poured a happy flower "and other songs of song award and broadcast the Golden Melody awards.



