潘振声(1933—2009),蒙古族,生于上海。五十多年来,他创作了大量儿童歌曲。他的主要作品有:《小鸭子》、《我在马路边捡到一分钱》、《好妈妈》、《春天在哪里》、《祖国祖国我们爱你》等。他长期工作在宁夏,留下了《宁夏民间歌曲资料》和《中国民间歌曲集成》。潘振声创作的大量儿童歌曲,有一千余首在全国各地报刊电台发表、热播,被人们誉为当代"儿歌大王"。其音乐理论著作《少年儿童歌曲创作漫谈》在国家级期刊连载,个人歌集 《小喇叭歌曲100首》、录音带、唱片、VCD《儿歌大王》等累积问世已达二百多首。潘振声1963年创作的《我在马路边捡到一分钱》经中国文物局鉴定,其手稿、曲谱被评为"现代革命一级文物"。他创作的《春天在哪里》,也成了世界儿童乐坛中的"世界名曲"。
Pan Zhensheng (1933 - 2009), the Mongolia nationality, was born in Shanghai. Over the past fifty years, he wrote a lot of songs for children. His main works are: "little duck", "I picked up a penny in the road", "good mother", "where is the spring", "motherland, we love you". He works for a long time in Ningxia, a "Ningxia folk song" and "data Chinese folk songs". A lot of children's songs composed by Pan Zhensheng, there are more than one thousand poems in newspapers across the country published, radio broadcasts, known as the "king of contemporary songs". The music theory "children's songs" in the national journal series, personal album "100 songs" small horn, tape, record, "King" and other songs of VCD accumulation was reached more than 200 song. Pan Zhensheng in 1963 created the "I picked up a penny in the road" by Chinese Bureau of cultural relics identification, the manuscript, music was named "modern revolutionary level cultural relics". He created the "where is the spring", has become the children of the world music scene in the "world music".