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乔羽(1927年—),山东济宁人。高中期间当过小学教员。1946年初入晋冀鲁豫边区北方大学学习,开始在报刊发表诗歌和小说,还写过秧歌剧。1948年毕业于晋冀鲁豫边区北方大学艺术学院。1948年华北联大与北方大学合并为华北大学,调入华大三部创作室,开始专业创作。1954年加入中国作家协会。《让我们荡起双桨》是乔羽在50年代为故事片《祖国的花朵》创作的插曲,当时就唱遍了全国的大街小巷。电影《上甘岭》上映后,他创作的"一条大河波浪宽,风吹稻花香两岸……"也让无数观众唱下了热泪。中央电视台《夕阳红》栏目歌曲"夕阳是醇香的酒,夕阳是迟来的爱……"也是他创作的。《让我们荡起双桨》、《我的祖国》、《夕阳红》被热爱乔羽的听众誉为是少年人、成年人和老年人的"国唱"。 《我的祖国》、《牡丹之歌》、《人说山西好风光》、《让我们荡起双桨》、《心中的玫瑰》、《难忘今宵》、《思念》、《说聊斋》、《巫山神女》、《夕阳红》、《爱我中华》、《祖国颂》等歌广泛流传,成为人们传唱的经典之作。另著有电影文学剧本:《刘三姐》、《红孩子》。

Qiao yu (1927 -), shandong jining. During high school as a primary school teacher. Early in 1946 into the shansi-hopei-shantung-honan border region north university, began in the newspapers and periodicals published poetry and novels, wrote yangko opera. In 1948 graduated from the shansi-hopei-shantung-honan border region north university college of art. In 1948 the general assembly and the north of north China university consolidation in the north China university and transferred to huada three studio, start writing professional. In 1954 to join China writers association. Let us once more sculls again is qiao yu for feature film "the flowers of the motherland" in the '50 s episode, then sing all over the streets of the country. After release of the movie as well, his "is a big river billowing, breeze blows rice fragrant flowers on both sides..." Also let countless audience singing off the tears. CCTV "sunset" songs "sunset is a full-bodied wine, the setting sun is late love..." As well as the creation of his. "Let us once more sculls again", "my motherland" and "sunset" is I love the people qiao yu as the young people, adults and the aged "kingdom". "My motherland", "peony's song," said shanxi good scenery ", "let us once more sculls again", "the roses in the heart", "unforgettable tonight" and "miss", "said serial", "WuShanShenNv", "sunset", "love my China," ode to the motherland "and other songs spread widely, as most people's classic. Another author film literary script: "sanjie liu", "red children".



