生茂(1928 —2007),原名娄盛茂。河北晋县人。主要代表作有:抗美援朝时期的《立功去见毛主席》、《祖国我的妈妈》、《打冷枪》等;上世纪五十年代著名男中音歌唱家马国光演唱的《真是乐死人》;著名女高音歌唱家马玉涛演唱的《马儿,你慢些走》、《看见你们格外亲》、《老房东查铺》(合作),毛主席诗词《沁园春?雪》以及《学习雷锋好榜样》;上世纪七八十年代著名男女二重唱——张振富、耿莲凤演唱的《毛主席啊,我们永远忠于您》、《祖国一片新面貌》、《远方书信乘风来》以及《走上练兵场》等群众歌曲。还有名震中外的大型组歌《长征组歌》这部史诗性的声乐作品。其中,《马儿,你慢些走》、《长征组歌》于1992年由中华民族文化促进会收入"20世纪华人音乐经典著作"。
Mao Sheng (1928 - 2007), formerly known as Lou Shengmao. Hebei Jin county. The main representative: the period of "meritorious service to see Chairman Mao", "my mother," the motherland "snipe"; the fifty's of the last century the famous baritone singer Ma Guoguang singing "is really happy dead"; the famous soprano Ma Yutao singing "the horse, you walk slowly," "see you very dear", "old landlord bed check" (cooperation), Chairman Mao poetry "patio spring snow", and "the good example of Lei Feng"; the last century seventy or eighty's famous two men -- Zhang Zhenfu, a Geng Lianfeng singing "Chairman Mao, we are always loyal to you", "the new face of a country", "far away" and "letters and to go on the training field" and other popular songs. There are the famous Chinese and foreign large suite "Long March suite" of this epic vocal works. Among them, "the horse, you go slow", "Long March suite" in 1992 by the Chinese culture promotion society "classical Chinese music copyright twentieth Century income".