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谭盾(1957年8月18日—),出生于湖南长沙丝茅冲。他曾在湖南乡下种田当农民,后又进入湖南京剧团任演奏员。1978年考入北京中央音乐学院作曲系,随赵行道、黎英海学习作曲,随李华德学习指挥,取得音乐硕士学位;1986年获纽约哥伦比亚大学奖学金,随大卫多夫斯基及周文中学习并获音乐艺术博士学位。主要荣誉:奥斯卡"最佳原创音乐奖"和"格莱美大奖"(2001)、"格文美尔(Grawemeyer)大奖"(1999)、德国权威的"巴赫奖"。为香港回归中国的交接仪式创作《天地人》,并被纽约时报评为"国际乐坛最重要的十位音乐家"; 2000年为全球55家电视台联播庆祝21世纪的到来,创作《世界交响曲2000Today》;2006年被世界十大中文媒体被评为影响世界的十位华人。2008年为北京奥运会创作徽标Logo音乐和颁奖音乐。首创世界首部《网络交响乐》(2009)。2010年担任中国上海世博会全球文化大使。作为以创新而著称的作曲家、指挥家,他被誉为东方的马可?波罗和中国的文化名片。

Tan dun (on August 18, 1957 -), born in changsha, hunan silk MaoChong. He had in the hunan countryside farming as a farmer, and then enter the Beijing Opera troupe of hunan as a player. In 1978 and was admitted to Beijing central academy of music composition, along with the doers of the word, zhao Li Ying studied composition, with Li Huade learning command, master's degree in music; Scholarship at Columbia University in New York in 1986, along with David, and zhou wenzhong study and received a doctor's degree from the department of music art. Main honor: Oscar for "best original music award" and "grammy awards" (2001), "case article beauty (Grawemeyer) award" (1999), "Bach prize" of German authority. The handover ceremony of Hong Kong's return to China to create "the earth", and was voted the New York times "international scene ten of the most important musician"; For global 55 2000 television stations broadcast celebrate the arrival of the 21st century, the creation of the world today, symphony of 2000; In 2006, is the world's top ten Chinese media has been voted the world ten Chinese. In 2008 for the Beijing Olympics Logo Logo music and the music. Pioneering the world's first "Internet symphony" (2009). The world expo 2010 Shanghai, China global cultural ambassador. As is well known for his innovative composer and conductor, he is known as the Oriental Marco Polo and China's cultural card.



