王立平(1941— )满族,吉林省长春市人。1954年11月考入中央音乐学院少年班主修钢琴,1965年毕业于中央音乐学院作曲系。1968年下放天津葛沽八一农场劳动四年半;1973年在中央新闻纪录电影制片厂开始从事专业作曲;1979年调入北京电影乐团(现今的中国电影乐团)从事电影电视音乐作曲,后担任中国电影乐团团长;1985年任中国音乐家协会书记处书记并开始从事音乐著作权保护,多年来为推动著作权法的制定、实施和完善作了大量工作。领导创建了我国第一个著作权集体管理组织——中国音乐著作权协会并担任主席。主要歌曲作品有:《太阳岛上》、《浪花里飞出欢乐的歌》、《驼铃》、《少林寺》、《牧羊曲》、《大海啊故乡》、《太行颂》、《飞吧,鸽子》、《大连好》、《江河万古流》、《红叶情》、《枉凝眉》、《红豆曲》、《葬花吟》、《说聊斋》、《平潭之歌》等。
Wang Liping (1941 -) Manchu, Jilin province Changchun city. In 1954 November admitted to the Central Conservatory of Music junior majoring in piano, in 1965 graduated from the composition department of the Central Conservatory of Music. In 1968 eight one to Tianjin gegu farm labor for four and a half years; beginning in 1973 to engage in professional music in Central Newsreel and documentary film studio; in 1979, Beijing Film Orchestra (today's Chinese Film Orchestra) engaged in film and television music composer, as China Film Orchestra; in 1985 the Chinese Musicians Association Secretariat and began working as a music copyright protection, over the years, in order to promote the establishment and improvement of the implementation of the copyright law has done a lot of work. Leadership created the first of China's collective copyright management organizations -- China Music Copyright Association and served as president. The main works of music: "Sun Island", "happy songs in the waves", "Camel", "Shaolin Temple", "shepherd song", "the sea", "Hometown", "Taihang" fly, Dove "," good "," eternal Dalian rivers flow "," red "love", frowning, "" red song "," bury flower "," said Zhai "," song of Pingtan ".