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王洛宾(1913-1996),中国20世纪最负盛名的民族音乐家之一。籍贯北京。1934年毕业于北京师范大学音乐系。1938年在兰州改编了第一首新疆民歌《达坂城的姑娘》之后,便与西部民歌结下了不解之缘,并从此在大西北生活了近六十年,将传奇般的一生都献给了西部民歌的创作和传播事业。他一生创作歌剧七部,搜集、整理、创作歌曲1 000余首,出版歌曲集六册。他的作品多以情歌为主。其中《在那遥远的地方》和《半个月亮爬上来》被评为20世纪华人音乐经典,并且荣获国家颁发的"金唱片特别创作奖";《达坂城的姑娘》、《阿拉木汗》、《掀起你的盖头来》、《可爱的一朵玫瑰花》、《玛依拉》、《青春舞曲》和《在银色的月光下》等西部民歌,在国内外广为流传,已成为中华音乐宝库中的经典之作。为表彰他为20世纪中华音乐传播所做出的突出贡献,联合国教科文组织于1994年7月授予他"东西方文化交流特别贡献奖"。

Wang Luobin (1913-1996), one of the most famous folk musicians in the 20th century China. Beijing native. In 1934, graduated from Beijing normal university music department. Adapted in lanzhou in 1938 after the first a xinjiang folk song "DaBanCheng girl", has close relationship with western folk songs, and then living in northwest China for nearly 60 years, the legendary creation and spread of the whole life to the western folk songs. His opera seven of his life, collecting and organizing, 1 000 first, writing songs song in a published six copies. His work is given priority to with love songs. "In that distant place" and "half moon climb" was rated as the 20th century Chinese classic music, and won the "gold record special creation" issued by the state; "DaBanCheng girl", "alamuhan", "up your LIDS to", "lovely a rose", "based on", "youth dance" and "the silver moonlight" and so on in western folk songs, popular at home and abroad, has become the classic of the treasure house of Chinese music. In recognition of his contribution to spread Chinese music in the 20th century by, the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization in July 1994 awarded him the "east and west cultural exchanges between the special contribution award".



