王酩( 1934—1997),出生于上海。当代著名作曲家。1953年随陈铭志学习作曲理论,并在上海工人文化宫音乐创作班学习作曲、在上海音乐学院夜大学学习钢琴。1959年入上海音乐学院作曲系,师从丁善德。1964年毕业后入中央乐团创作组从事音乐创作。主要作品有为电影《海霞》、《黑三角》、《小花》、《樱》、《沙鸥》、《知音》所写的配乐以及歌曲《渔家姑娘在海边》、《边疆的泉水清又纯》、《妹妹找哥泪花流》、《绒花》、《青春啊青春》、《知音》等。此外还有《小提琴协奏曲》、《沙鸥组曲》、长笛协奏曲《与海的对花》和琵琶协奏曲《霸王卸甲》等。
Wang Ming (1934 - 1997), was born in Shanghai. The famous contemporary composer. In 1953 with Chen Mingzhi to study music theory, and workers in Shanghai cultural palace music classes to learn the piano at the Shanghai Conservatory Of Music University, night music. In 1959 the composition department of the Shanghai Conservatory Of Music, under the tutelage of Ding Shande. After graduating in 1964 into the Central Philharmonic creation group engaged in music creation. The main work for the movie "Hai Xia", "black triangle", "flowers", "cherry", "Seagull", "bosom friend" wrote music and song "the girl beside the sea", "pure water of the frontier", "sister find brother tears flow", "Edelweiss", "youth ah youth", "bosom friend" etc.. In addition to "Violin Concerto", "Seagull suite", Flute Concerto "and the sea of flowers" and Pipa Concerto "overlord unload" etc..