郑小瑛(1929—),出生在福建永定。中国著名女指挥家。厦门爱乐乐团艺术总监,曾任中央歌剧院首席指挥、中央音乐学院指挥系主任,是爱乐女乐团的音乐总监和创办人之一。郑小瑛曾先后30多次出访苏、日、澳、美、意、香港、澳门、芬、新、德、荷、法、英、比、俄、台湾、瑞典、爱、朝、泰等地,指挥歌剧、交响乐近百场或进行访问交流,获得舆论广泛赞扬,被誉为"不可思议的、具有魔力的指挥家"、"她是当今中国最杰出的女指挥家,甚至在其它任何国家的同行中,她也是数一数二的"。 郑小瑛还是中国最有经验的指挥教授之一,她的多名学生在美、法、意、奥、捷、葡等地举行的国际指挥比赛中屡获最高名次或已步入国际国内优秀指挥行列。
Zheng Xiaoying (1929 -),born in Fujian of Yongding. Chinafamous female conductor. Artistic director of the Xiamen Philharmonic Orchestra, served as thedirector and chief conductor, conducting Department of Central Conservatory of MusicCentral Opera,music director of the PhilharmonicOrchestra isfemale andone of the founders of the.Zheng Xiaoying has 30 timesto sue, day, Australia, America, Hongkong, Macao, Italy, Finland, new, German, Dutch,English,law,than Russia, Taiwan, Sweden,,love,towards,Thailand and opera, symphony, commandingnearly a hundred games orto visit the exchange,was widelypraised,known as "unbelievable, magicalconductor","she is one ofthe most outstanding Chinafemale conductor,or in any other countrycounterparts, shealso count as one of the very best".One of ProfessorZheng Xiaoying Chinesecommand orthe most experienced,her studentswas held in the beautiful, French,Austrian,Czech Republic,Portugal and other internationalconducting competition awardthe highest rankingor has entered theranks of international and domesticexcellent command.