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周广仁(1928年—),出生于德国汉诺威。中国第一位在国际比赛中获奖的钢琴家,中央音乐学院终身教授,当今中国在国际乐坛中最具影响和权威的钢琴演奏家、教育家,中国20世纪最杰出女性之一,被誉为"中国钢琴教育的灵魂"。 青年时代在上海学习音乐,师从钱琪、丁善德、梅?帕契、马库斯等中外名师。1955年后在中央音乐学院任教。 1980年代以来曾多次在欧美各国的国际钢琴比赛中担任评委,在美国29所大学演出,介绍中国作品。1995年赴英国演奏莫扎特协奏曲,1996年举办了5位中外女钢琴家的钢琴音乐会。她参与创办了高水平、权威性、国际性的"中国国际钢琴比赛",并担任评委会主席,使这一赛事成为中国最具权威性的国际比赛之一,显著提高了中国音乐的国际地位。作为一代名师,她直接培养和教育出的专业钢琴人才达三百多人,她的许多学生在国际国内重要比赛中屡获大奖,其中包括逄勃、盛原、刘宁、王笑寒等中国知名青年钢琴家。

Zhou Guangren (1928 -),born in Hannover of germany. The firstprize winner of the international competition in thepianist China, lifetime professor in Central Conservatory of Music, themost influential and authoritativeChina in international musicpianist,educator,one of the mostoutstanding women Chinatwentieth Century,known as the "Chinese pianoeducation". Young agelearning music in Shanghai, under the tutelage of Qian Qi, Ding Shande, Mei, Marcus and other Chinese and foreignteachers,apache.After teaching at Central Conservatory of Music in 1955.Since the 1980's manycountries in Europe and the United States InternationalPiano Competition as a judge, performing inUSA 29 University,the Chinaworks.In 1995 went to England to playingthe Mozart concerto was organized in 1996, 5 Chinese and foreignfemale pianist pianoconcert.She co founded the high level, authoritative, international "China International Piano Competition",and served as the president of the jury,the eventhas become one of the internationalcompetition Chinaauthoritative,significantly improve the international status ofChina music. As ateacher,she directtraining and education ofprofessional piano talentmore than 300 people, many of her studentsin the international and domestic importantcompetition in the award-winning, includingPang Bo, Yuan Sheng,Liu Ning,Wang Xiaohan, Chinawell-known pianist.



