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自2003年以来,曾与中国音乐文学学会、中国大众音乐协会、中国社会音乐研究会、中国音乐文化促进会、中国少数民族音乐学会、中国文化管理学会、文化部东方文化艺术院、中国声乐学会、中国民族器乐学会、北京音乐家协会、世界华人音乐家协会、中央人民广播电台文艺中心、中国唱片总公司等单位合作,成功举办了大量的文艺活动。如:"北极星杯"全国词曲创作比赛已举办了20届;"歌坛在行动"全国词曲创作比赛连续举办了五届;"北极星群英杯"全国词曲创作笔会连续举办了十一届;"金色彼岸之声"全国新人新作歌手选拔大赛连续举办了九届,其获奖选手司红军、东晓、冯霞、马世斌等都曾进入中央电视台青歌赛总决赛;"民族之声"全国词曲作品征集暨歌手乐手选拔活动举办了两届。还策划举办过"2006:相约张家界"、"2008:相约北京"、"2010:相约上海"、"2011:相约港澳"全国词曲作品征集和歌手乐手大赛、 2012/2013"青春之声"全国青少年才艺展演、2013北京国际"中国唱法"音乐节、2013/2014/2015北京国际青少年音乐节、2014/2015/2016亚洲(香港/曼谷/首尔)国际音乐节、2014/2015亚洲(香港/吉伦坡)国际艺术节等大型文艺活动。中央电视台、香港凤凰卫视、《歌曲》杂志、《音乐周报》、《音乐生活报》及国内二十多家电视台都做过相关活动报道,在音乐界和社会上产生了广泛的影响并收到了良好的声誉。



He Jianhua, the pseudonym Jiang Feng, Zhu Mu and other people, Minqin County of Gansu province. Graduated from the Lanzhou Normal College (now the Lanzhou City College) Department of Chinese, the last in the Department of music, Shanghai Conservatory Of Music. Secretary General of the World Association of Chinese musicians. "Chinese Musicians" magazine editor in chief.

main results:

●amateur music author of the first solo concert in the mainland of china.

1990 in Gansu held two personal works concert, Gansu TV two reports, to create a domestic amateur music author held a personal concert of the first. Has been engaged in music for many years. Writing lyrics, songs more than 100 works, published in the "song", "the word", "military camp culture world", "music weekly", "music life newspaper", "Hongkong literature and art" and so on many music newspapers and periodicals.

at the same time, for many years adhere to the literary creation. The author of the movie literature script "the legend" and "very combination" etc.. Otherwise the decade Beijing Dream -- he Jianhua diary excerpts "since 2007 in the magazine music after serial wide attention and praise. The Chinese of contemporary literature and art publishing house works "JINGWAH dream book -- selected works of He Jianhua".

●Chinese mainland, the first to start the establishment of private music newspapers and magazines at the same time the people of the computer music.

1999 founded the "computer music", later changed its name to "music people", and finally changed its name to "Chinese musicians". Lasted fifteen years, the issue of more than 130. Since the new period, the first domestic private music newspapers and periodicals, as well as computer music into China after the most formal a newspaper, "computer music" on the popularity of computer music in the country and the prosperity of the music played an important role. At the same time, it is also the wind vane of domestic private music newspapers and periodicals. Subsequent private music press diverse and, when reached 559. They were the first to refer to the is the "Computer Music Journal.

●the Chinese mainland to edit, publish one of the largest music books.

Since 2003,

has published a large number of books as an editor in chief editor or editor. A series of music books "contemporary singers love song" has been published 19 series, "contemporary Chinese grand" published 11 album lyrics. At home and abroad for more than 180 songwriters, editors, monographs published personal works of nearly 200.

in addition, through the China Record Corp, Chinese musicians audio and video publishing house planning, publishing CD, DVD disc nearly 40. The "big Chinese composer excellent songs collection of works" series of influence.

●one of the earliest people who planned the large-scale literature and art activities in mainland China.

since 2003, has been with the Chinese Academy of music, Chinese Music Association, the Chinese society of music research, Chinese Music Culture Association, the Chinese minority music society, the Chinese Academy of cultural management, the Chinese Academy of vocal music, the Chinese Academy of music, the Beijing Musicians Association, the world Chinese Musicians Association, the Central People's Broadcasting Station Arts Center, China Record Corp and other units, successfully held a large number of literary and artistic activities. Such as: "North Star Cup" national songwriting competition has been held 20 sessions; "music in action" national songwriting competition held for the fifth; "Polaris Qunying Cup" national songwriting pen continuously held the eleventh; the sound of golden shore the rookie of the new singer contest held for the ninth, the winning player Si Hongjun, Dongxiao, Fengxia, Shi bin Ma, have entered the Central Television youth song competition finals. "The national voice" works of the national music and lyrics collection selection activities and musicians held two sessions. Also planned and held the "2006: meet Zhangjiajie", "2008: meet in Beijing", "2010: meet in Shanghai", "2011: similar to Hong Kong and Macao" works of the national music and lyrics collection and musicians contest, 2012 / 2013 "voice of youth" national youth talent showcase, 2013 Beijing International "Chinese singing" Music Festival, 2013/2014/2015 Beijing International Youth Music Festival, 2014/2015/2016 Asia (Hong Kong / Bangkok / Seoul) International Music Festival, the 2014 / 2015 Asia (Hong Kong / Gillen) International Art Festival large-scale cultural activities. CCTV, Hongkong Phoenix TV, "song" magazine, "music weekly", "music life news" and domestic more than 20 TV stations have done related activities, in the music industry and society has had a wide range of influence and received a good reputation.

●China, a handful of dedicated to software development for the print notation.

since 2003, presided over the development of a new generation of music printing software -- spectrum of tyrants, and personally wrote tutorial. The software is easy to learn, making fine and other factors dominate in many musical printing software, and widely acclaimed.



