从小受民间艺人、中医师父亲罗联琇新文化的影响,既学医又学艺后弃医从艺。1980年高中毕业后任民办教师,后考入平安师范学习,1984年毕业任平安县一小音乐教员、教导干事,期间为中国函授音乐学院学员。1989年考入上海音乐学院,主攻作曲、音乐学。师从著名作曲家何占豪先生,毕业后任青海省平弦实验剧团作曲, 2005年毕业于青海省委党校在职研究生班。
美声通俗四重唱《飞向中国梦》参加2014亚洲国际音乐节获金奖,交响诗《青海大合唱》(八部)》,在"中华颂"全国原创歌曲作品暨演唱大赛活动中获金奖;《南湖一只船》在庆祝中国共产党成立90周年"唱支山歌给党听"全国原创音乐选拔活动中获得一等奖。《采油姑娘上山来》获得全国五一文化奖;《老话》、《贴心人》、《心中要有老百姓》分别获得"全国反腐倡廉歌曲创作"二等奖、优秀奖;省级一、二等奖。合唱《憧憬未来》获 "世纪之声全国歌曲大赛"银奖;《老话》、《飞向中国梦》被评为青海省"五个一工程"奖。《开发西部亚拉索》获第11届中国人口文化奖。《土乡情韵?轮子秋》器乐曲在参加全国第四届青少年杂技比赛西北大赛中获音乐创作最高奖。由本人作词作曲的歌曲《我们与高原同在》、《激情飞扬》被评为青海省省会西宁市连续两届面向全国征集夺主会歌;由本人作词作曲的歌曲确定为格尔木运动会会歌。2002年,由本人作词作曲的《海东情恋》、《平安之歌》获得全国征歌(海东地区宣传部)一等奖。至今创作歌曲550多首,为青海、江苏、北京、上海、甘肃等地区的明星企业、大中专、中小学创作厂歌、校歌作词作曲250多首,深受社会各界的好评。有些歌曲被选入中国音乐家协会主编的《歌曲》、《儿童歌声》以及《中国企业之歌》、《中国优秀校歌集》等许多刊物中。其中16首歌颂中国西部的歌曲已拍成MTV,在省内外多家电视台陆续播出。
承担了项目负责人并撰写完成国家级、省级课题项目共8项,其中国家级重大项目研究课题2项、省级重大项目研究课题1项。即:撰写由国务院参事办,中央文史馆主办的国家重点文化建设工程——大型中华文化丛书《中国地域通览.青海卷》(多民族文化交融并存);承担项目负责人并撰写全国社会科学"十五"规划"西部课题"《青海艺术史》的 "青海音乐史";本人学术专著全国社会科学规划立项课题《青海民歌的社会学分析》;全国社会科学规划课题《青海戏曲舞蹈资源调查》(负责并撰写)的调查、统计、分析;参与撰写青海省人民政府总集性图书《青海花儿大典》花儿会章节(青海人民出版社);承担项目负责人并撰写青海省"十二五"规划重大研究课题《培育和发展青海特色文化产业研究的对策与建议》,收编为青海省十二五时期发展战略研究一书(青海人民出版社);参与撰写青海省地方志办公室、省花儿研究会主办《花儿春秋》(九州出版社);参与编撰《青海省首批国家非物质文化遗产代表作名录丛书》12册(青海人民出版社)。 承担了青海省地方志办公室、省花儿研究会《青海花儿志》、《花儿辞典》的撰写工作,参与编撰文化书籍刊物31册。 2001年被评为中国文联杂协德艺双馨会员;2001年被评为青海省文化系统优秀党员。2011年度被苏州市人民政府评为苏州市文化创新创业重点人才,同年被评为苏州市文化广播新闻出版局优秀党员。
Luo Cheng: born in 1964, Qinghai Ping An of people. Graduate, country level musician, composer, theorist, critic, Chinese experts. Department of Chinese Musicians Association Deputy Secretary General of the world long, China Art Research Institute researcher, the Chinese Musicians Association, Shanghai Conservatory Of Music Alumni Association, the Chinese culture promotion society, the Chinese member of the Institute of light music and acted as the "Chinese cultural newspaper", "Chinese music life" special correspondent. He Qinghai acrobatic troupe secretary and deputy head of Qinghai Province, vice president of the National Dance Theatre, arts and culture in Qinghai province school vice principal, Qinghai Art Research Institute deputy director, Qinghai province Intangible Cultural Heritage Review Committee of experts committee, Qinghai Provincial Population Culture Promotion Association Deputy Secretary General, Qinghai province high-level title appraisal committee, "Qinghai culture" deputy editor in chief and other staff. By the Suzhou municipal government in 2011 the introduction of high-level talents as the key, the current Suzhou city literature and art creation center director, "Gusu art" editor in chief, "unlimited music" (Beijing) deputy editor in chief, Suzhou city elegant art review committee of experts in Suzhou City Cultural Construction of judges, legal experts and consultants.
Childhood influenced by folk artists, Chinese medicine master dear Luo Lianxiu new culture, both medicine and arts after abandoning medicine for art. High school graduation in 1980 he served as the teacher of run by the local people, was admitted to the peace after the normal learning, graduated in 1984 as Pingan County a small music teacher, taught director, during the China Correspondence College of music students. Admitted to Shanghai Conservatory Of Music in 1989, the main composition, musicology. Under the famous composer Mr. He Zhanhao, he graduated from Qinghai province string experimental theatre composer, in 2005 graduated from the Qinghai provincial Party Committee Party school graduate class.
The main works are: large-scale Orchestral Works "plateau of red flowers", large national orchestral music "Kunlun charm", "Dragon Boat Festival", the Symphonic Suite "downtown Qinghai" (a total of 8); composer for "cross stitch Dan" and so on more than 10 large dance, as the "soil", "Zhuoma" and other things movies, TV series creation background music and theme song, episode. Author of "Plateau", "sing folk song society science" and other books; vocal music album "entering Qinghai" VCD Song Series issued by Chinese musicians audio-video publishing house; vocal music album "Tianyu love song" by China Record Corporation Shenzhen Branch issued; Vocal Album tapes "goes" song series by the Qinghai Publishing House of Kunlun public offering; Vocal Album tapes "Kunlun petroleum love", "oil" (ten) song series by China Broadcasting and television press public offering; and sung by the chorus of the Central Philharmonic Society and the famous singer Yang Hongji, Liu Bin, Yu Wenhua, Li Chujian, Qiao Jun, Gong Qimei etc.. Author of "plateau sing" - Luo song, "selected works of ancient Qinghai features a musical instrument", "folk sociology" and other books, and participated in compiling the Qinghai cultural books and publications in 36 volumes.
Published "Dunhuang opern of the sequence of events and achievements", "flowers", "Great Northwest origin of Qinghai ancient folk songs", "overview of Jiangnan ancient folk origin" 45 articles, including Qinghai review of large-scale song and dance epic "mysterious Qinghai", "", "Tianyu Tangfangudao paradise"; large flowers style drama "Snow White Dove"; large Tibetan Opera "racing king"; their dance epic "Rainbow tribe" and other articles are widely influential in the academic circle. In recent years, the first 51 (Department) of music works and papers and won international, national, provincial awards. "In northwest area of Qinghai drama development aspect talk" was named "the Northwest Local Opera Development Forum" the first prize; "Jiangnan ancient folk origin" won the Chinese national music sing large exhibition and evaluation of gold; "Qinghai folk songs of the Han nationality" in the view of Sociology in the world culture and art Research Center of international outstanding paper activities won the excellent prize.
Bel canto popular duet "flying dream" four China attended the 2014 Asia International Music Festival Gold Award, the symphonic poem "Qinghai cantata" (eight) ", won the gold medal in the" song "original songs and works of national singing competition activities;" Nanhu a boat "won the first prize in celebration of 90 anniversary of the establishment of Communist Party Chinese" sing a song to the party to listen to the "national original music selection activities. "Oil" girl came up the mountain to the five one national cultural Award; "goes", "close person", "the heart has to people" won the "national anti-corruption songs" two prize, one or two prize at the provincial level outstanding award. Chorus "vision of the future" won the "silver century sound national song contest", "fly"; "goes Chinese dream" of Qinghai province was named "five project" award. "Development of the West Asia cable" won the eleventh prize Chinese population culture. "Ali Qingyun - Wheels" music won the top prize of music creation in participated in the Fourth National Youth Acrobatics Competition northwest contest. I wrote the words and music by the song "Plateau", "us and with passion" was named the provincial capital of Qinghai Province in Xining city for the national collection of two consecutive wins the main song; lyrics and music by my songs identified as the Anthem Golmud games. In 2002, I wrote the words and music by "love", "Haidong peace song" won the national sign song (Haidong Prefecture Propaganda Department) the first prize. So far the songs more than 550 first, Qinghai, Jiangsu, Beijing, Shanghai, Gansu and other regions of the star enterprise, old technical secondary school, primary and secondary schools, the school song lyrics and compose songs creation factory more than 250 first, get of social all circles reputably. Some of the songs were selected into the Chinese Musicians Association, editor of the "music", "children's song" and "Chinese song of enterprises", "China excellent song collection" and many other publications. The 16 song in praise of China western song has been made into a MTV, inside and outside the province have broadcast TV stations.
Undertake the project director and write completed 8 prizes of national and provincial projects, including research topic 2 state-level projects and provincial major project research topic 1 item. Namely: writing counselor to run by the state council, the central national key cultural construction project of literary history -- - large Chinese culture series "China regional throughout. Qinghai" (multi-national cultures coexist); Undertake project director and author of the national social science project "" western" tenth five-year plan "period" qinghai art history "of" qinghai music "; I monographs of national social sciences planning project topic "qinghai sociological analysis of folk songs"; The national social science planning task "opera dance in qinghai resources survey (and writing) of investigation, statistics and analysis; In qinghai province people's government of the collection sex will book "qinghai flower ceremony flowers sections (qinghai people's publishing house); Undertake project director and write "twelfth five-year" plan significant research subject in qinghai province of qinghai characteristic cultivating and developing the culture industry research countermeasure and the suggestion, and collected for the five-year period in qinghai province development strategy research, a book (qinghai people's publishing house); In qinghai province office of local Chronicles, host province flowers research institute, "the flowers in the spring and autumn" (kyushu press); Involved in compiling the qinghai province first batch of national intangible cultural heritage representative work list series, 12 volumes (qinghai people's publishing house). Bear the qinghai province office of local Chronicles, "flowers" in qinghai province flowers research association, blossoming flowers dictionary written work, working on cultural books publication 31 copies. In 2001 is evaluated; member of China federation of mixed association smashing In 2001 was rated as cultural system of qinghai province outstanding party members. 2011 by suzhou city people's government awarded suzhou culture innovation entrepreneurship focus on talent, in the same year was named suzhou culture broadcasting news and publication excellent party member.
Who masterminded the organization such as "Qinghai first housing reform cup young singers contest", "Qinghai Province, the first heart large-scale art show", "Suzhou city Chinese dream. Lian Shi Song large-scale literary party and the social from all walks of life" as a choral conductor and other large cultural activities. 2011 took part in "moved Chinese. Brilliant five years -- national outstanding music and lyrics. The music influential man outstanding achievement award" awards and hundreds of musicians and art exchange activities, for China Federation of literary and art circles "Chinese musicians list", into "moved China. Brilliant five years -- national outstanding word music. Music dictionary", "Chinese influential man" in New Grove Dictionary of music and musicians and presented the award certificate. Invited to participate in the Beijing 14 national, provincial and municipal cultural experts forum activities, have the influence in the domestic cultural circles. Personal achievement by CCTV and China Radio International, "song" 2009 Fourth period in the letter (introduce), "Qinghai daily" to "plateau music" and "Luocheng Kunlun love"; "music weekly", "the composer Luo Xiang love"; the Qinghai television station, Qinghai broadcasting station "Hehuang the wind", "life five taste", "traffic music", "Gusu evening" topics such as "plateau music" feature interviews and reports.